Author’s Notes:
First off, who hasn’t had the whole “I don’t care if they like me” talk with themselves? Jane is trying to keep it together but this whole bit “And while she broke the seal and perused the document, I went on taking my coffee (we were at breakfast): it was hot, and I attributed to that circumstance a fiery glow which suddenly rose to my face. Why my hand shook, and why I involuntarily spilt half the contents of my cup into my saucer, I did not choose to consider.” cracks me up!
Then we fly! I truly enjoyd writing this part of the book. It was my chance to really engage in the world and show the other places that we could go. This is also a hella long chapter!
Charlotte does something interesting in the chapter – when they are gathering in the parlor after dinner she switches to present tense. She also notes that Jane picks up a book when she sits, but when Mr. Rochester enters she is netting a purse. I edited out the book and put in the purse. It made sense that she was busy about something and having her work mechanisms seemed a little too much. My narrator, Danyda, pointed that out.
Then we are into the whole romantically drama of it all! I remember doing this kind of thing when I was a teenager, entering into a room and either ignoring my crush or staring from across the room while he stared at me. The exquisite pain! “a precious yet poignant pleasure; pure gold, with a steely point of agony: a pleasure like what the thirst-perishing man might feel who knows the well to which he has crept is poisoned, yet stoops and drinks divine draughts nevertheless.”
Then we have the bashing session of governesses – wow is that a spiteful thing! Detestable? Incubi? Yow!
I am not spanish speaker, so if you are reading and think the few Spanish phrases thrown in are not quite correct, please let me know!